Tuesday, November 24, 2009

In one of those sleepless nights

I've been staying up late to study the past weeks that now I can't get back to the regular routines. I guess writing some scattered thoughts down may help emptying my mind so I can go to bed before 3 tonight (this morning).

- There were 3 events that I could have been at last week and this week; instead I've been stuck here wrestling w/ books and papers and tests: Asian Youth Day in the Philippines, National Catholic Youth Conference in Kansas City, and Sa mac Huan Luyen Vien in San Jose. I understand it is my responsibility at this time to learn as much as I can; but seriously, I wish I had been at any of these events.

- I'm used to missing the big youth events in Atlanta: lock-ins, praise and worships, festivals, van nghe, service projects, ... But I still wish I could be around to expand the programs more. By expanding, I don't mean increasing the length of the events, number of activities or number of attendants, but rather incorporating sessions with more in-depth and substantial contents into the existing programs.
* Lock-ins seem to be well developed; however, I do see the need to incorporate the "service" component. There are already "community building" thru fun games and competitions, "learning" through talk/discussion sessions, and "worship" through prayer service/praise and worship. It's time to bring it up a notch- "service." May be we should have a service project attached to every lock-in.
* Service projects: we've been doing them every holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, ... but those projects are usually unrelated and one-time deal. Maybe we should make a more consistent commitment, say: adopting a nursing home, a soup kitchen, a youth shelter, a social service organization, ... and establish a year-round project with them, for all age groups.

- The shift in the training for the up-coming leaders. I may be away for some time but I do sense a great shift in the culture and the capacity range of the up-coming leaders. This is just my perception, it may be right, may be wrong:

* They may be more capable and more focused to learn more substance. We've been neglecting the Scripture component, not because we wanted to but because the conditions have not been right. Many of these younger leaders are very focused, have some good back-ground knowledge (from Catholic schools), and may be more interested.
* The current young leaders: I think it's great to invest 2 things for them, (1) focused topics: training them to be experts in particular areas - games, sports, events, service projects, learning projects, music ministry, liturgy/prayer, ... and (2) TNTT Literacy. After all they will be the next Board members.

- "Teen dramas" - haha, something that is unavoidable for a youth group: break ups, make ups, disagreements in ways of doing things, conflicts with authority figures, pressures from school and family, transition to college, ... I know I won't see the same care-free, fun-loving, innocent group of TNs the next time I see them. But that's OK and that's how it should be happening, right? People grow up. The important thing is we have to realize they need a new kind of guidance in the new phase of their lives. And another equally important thing is not to neglect the up-coming "innocent" bunch.

- World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid. I sincerely hope I could make it this time, and my group from Atlanta could also make it. Though I want TNTT to get involved it this pilgrimage, but it's wise not to have TNTT members organize the trip. We have to make this pilgrimage a project for all young adults of the parish, not just the TNTT members. Money is another issue.

- I know some guys have been working on building more sport programs in the parish, and I'm happy that they finally do that. I mean, it's about time! Hope and pray that they will take off. You guys have to update me what's going guys.

- Most likely I'll be in Mexico this Summer for a Spanish language program. I'm still not sure if I can make it back for Thang's ordination. That also means that I won't make it to Dai Hoi Ve Dat Hua in California on July 4.

- My Christmas break this year is gonna be 1 week shorter. I'm still debating whether I should help out at the Vocation Discernment Retreat for the Archdiocese on Dec 31. I do need time for my family, my friends and my "kids." By the way, any of you guys want to come to this discernment retreat, or any other come-and-see?

- Phuong's wedding in February (right?). I don't think I can make it. *sigh*

- Who is helping Binh get to college or technical college?

- The kids in my old scout troop, now all grown and established, have just found each other. We're trying to have a reunion this Christmas. You guys have to find chi Nhu too.

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