Friday, October 23, 2009

Who Wins?

Timmy was back home for the Christmas break. That first night, he pulled out the chess board and challenged his dad as he had used to when he was a little kid. Timmy is really good at chess, and he knows it. As far as he remembered, his dad had only won once or twice in the past. "Come on, dad. Let's see if you can beat me after all these years, hehe."

Dad looked at him, smiled and asked, "Any achievement lately?" Not even looking up, Timmy answered, "Well, no one in my hall can beat me yet since I moved in."

Two hours later, Timmy was not the same confident man. They had played four matches, and Timmy had not won even once. He looked at his dad, surprised and confused. He finally asked, "Have you played a lot lately? You just become ... so good at this"

Dad looked at him calmly, "I haven't played since the last time we played." Timmy became more confused, "But you sucked back then. I always won."

Dad just looked at Timmy silently. All of a sudden, Timmy understood everything. He remembered the night he came back from the first chess club meeting. He lost his confidence because the kids in the club were just too good. It was his dad who encouraged him to stay on, and offered to play with him every night for him to practice. “Foolish me, all this time I thought I was better than my dad.” He thought to himself, then finally asked his dad, “Why do you decide to show your true skill today?”

Putting the chess board away, dad answered, "Does it matter that you knew my skills back then or you know my skills now?" Timmy snapped, "Of course, dad. I thought I was good"

Dad slowly said, "Timmy, you are good because I am good. I was good back then as I am good now. But what matters more is I have always loved you. I loved you when you felt good about yourself, and I still love you the same when you feel like a loser"

Timmy answered impatiently, "Whatever, dad. What are you talking about?"

Dad continued, "Don't you feel like a loser now?" Timmy didn't answer though he knew that's how he was feeling. Dad said in a soft voice, "Aren't you also convinced now that I love you so much to let you win all these years?

Timmy and dad looked at each other. They had never been closer to each other.

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