Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The joy of road trips

A couple close friends gathered at my house one night, and after having some food and drinks, one of us was crazy enough to come up with a suggestion to do a road trip, and the rest was crazy enough to enthusiastically support the suggestion. First we thought of going to Florida, which was at least 5 hours away, but then we decided on Savannah so it would be a little closer, 3.5 hours. One of the guys went back home to borrow his mom's van so eight of us could be in the same vehicle, and while doing so he also picked up another spontaneous guy. While waiting for the van to come pick us up at my house, some of us, including myself, started having second thought. Is this a good idea? One girl had a business meeting at 12 noon, and I had an appointment at 10 the next morning. All thoughts of common sense popped in our heads: the driving would be tiring, especially when it was at night; we would have nothing to do since the beach was closed at night, and no restaurants or other attractions would be open that early in the morning; the appointments that people had the next morning ... But since we had decided, and some were just too excited about the spontaneity, we just kept going with the plan.

We left my house at 1:30 in the morning. The middle bench was pulled out so there was more room for people to sit on the floor to play cards. The music was on and loud. Fun conversations were flying around. Typical fun stuffs of a road trip. But they didn't last too long since it was between 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning, so one after the other eventually fell asleep.

At 4:45 am, we made it to the beach and we were dead tired. We walked around the beach, took some pictures, enjoyed the stars that became so clear in the total darkness of the sky and the beach. We also tried to walk in the water but since it was too cold we quit immediately. After less than an hour, we were on our way back, but not before being the first customers of the day to a local McDonald. Needless to say the general atmosphere in the van on the way back. There were only two drivers for the whole way, and the rest were sleeping. The business meeting had to be canceled, and my appointment was postponed. We made it back to my house at 10 am.

When saying goodbye, someone said through his yawning, "Well, it's been fun, but the next time you suggest something like this, I'll beat the crap out of you."

And everyone laughed, but their eyes were only half way open. Everyone was just too tired.

A pointless trip, some may say. Pure craziness, and pure youthfulness, all spontaneity. Seriously, seven hour driving in the night and early morning for less than an hour taking pictures in the dark, and having McDonald breakfast! Just pointless and crazy. Even I couldn't believe myself being part of this adventure.

But the value is in the road trip itself. It is in the "on the way," in the journey, in the process, more than in what to do once we reach the destination. We will continue talking about this crazy trip for a long time after the event. The next time any of us eight sees each other, it would take only a small reminder of the trip: Savannah, road trip, etc... for us to have a good conversation, "remember that night ...?"

I grew closer to my friends. We have one more shared experience. It doesn't matter what we got to do at the beach, we were together on the way there, and we were there together, ...

Being present to one another through it all, that is what it's all about.

Christmas 2008

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