Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'll let You be the Lord

Having three warm meals a day within the four walls of a seminary, it's easy to forget that some parents out there are worried they might not be able to put food on the table for their children tomorrow. I want to do something for you, parents, but it's not my time yet. I can only be there with you in spirit to hear your worries...

My residence and the college are interconnected. I could get to the classrooms without going outside at all. At 8:30 every morning I sit in a classroom and listen to some wonderful lectures from some great professors. Some friends of mine at the same moment are also sitting in a college classroom somewhere in the world, however, their minds are usually distracted by the debts they owe their schools, or by the concern whether they can find a job they like to do after graduation. I want to do something to help you study, friends, but it's not my time yet. I can only be there with you in spirit to share your concerns ...

I have a spiritual director/confessor that I can easily pour my soul and heart to. I have some intelligent academic counselor who can help me with my academic curiosity. I know when I pick up the phone now and call some friends home, we'll have a great time talking and catching up. It's easy for me to forget that the young people that I came to know before and will encounter in the future are often desperate for someone they can trust, some leaders they can follow, some role models they can admire, some worthwhile direction they can invest their lives to. I want to be in your midst, and if I can't be one of those you need then at least point you to where you need to go, but it's not my time yet. I can only be there with you in spirit, and let you know I understand your desperation.

I can't do anything for my people, but You can both be there and do something for them.

I'll let You be the Lord.

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