Friday, December 17, 2010

Where do you turn to for inspiration?

While waiting for my flight home from Pittsburgh Airport, I saw these advertisements on a huge wall with very catchy colors. I just had to snap these shots and post them here.

Seriously? Can you imagine where your financial situation will end up?

If you only say this to show how witty you are, I've got to say it's pretty witty. But if you say this to sell stuffs for profits, you're really lying to people

Playing with consumers' emotion for your own good, you are genius, but evil.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Teaching others by setting examples

A bystander happened to witness Bishop Michael Hoang Duc Oanh, Bishop of the Diocese of Kontum, picking up trash at the place where he just celebrated the Mass of the Immaculate Conception in his diocese.

He is indeed setting good example for us all.

(by the way, Kontum is where both my parents were born and grew up, and I was also born in this diocese)